We're both in and writing about the From Stage Door Shadows anthology.

The cover is inspired by her short story.
When Jodi Cleghorn of eMergent Publishing asked if I would like to write a story for one of their speculative fiction anthologies, From Stage Door Shadows, I jumped at the chance. Not only because it was the first time anyone had ever actually solicited my writing (and I was damn excited), but because it was related to music—my specialty! But, I had never written speculative fiction before, so I was feeling a little angsty about that.
Once the
authors were finalized we were all sent the lyrics to the song the anthology is
based on. But I was unlucky. I didn't get the prompt I wanted! And I panicked! Great, I thought. I have to write in a style I'm not familiar with and with a prompt that doesn't inspire me? My
story is going to be bollocks ...
Blessing in
disguise? Absolutely.
My lyric
prompt, from the song Tiny Dancer, was "LA Lady". So, I asked Jodi if I could be
creative with it and give the acronym an alternative meaning, and she was all
for it. So LA Lady in my story, entitled MUTED, stands for Lonely A Capella
Lady, instead of a lady from Los Angeles.
upon Jodi's approval, I imagined a hearing-impaired and mute singer who became
that way through corporal punishment. I saw translucent temperature-controlled
bodysuits made from fetus membrane in her wardrobe, her old clothes hanging
limp like dismembered joints, a black lace corset with layers of raw blue-grey
silk and tulle fanning out into a skirt. I saw her performance before she was
tortured and left to take orders in a totalitarian society. A cross between
Maria Callas and Madonna, I thought—“the only woman to ever render an audience
of 100,000 mute in seconds.”
Holy cow! Computer! Now!
Within two
hours I had an almost perfect draft of a story written in a genre I had never
ever written in before. I had never felt so inspired in my life—and all from a
prompt I didn't even want!
What's my
point here, you ask? Well, sometimes shitty things really are for the best. Sometimes
we need to have faith that there are hidden gems embedded in our path. This was
one such case. Since writing this story, eMergent Publishing have decided to
re-release String Bridge this December (which went out of
print when my publisher closed down), and they have also partnered with me and
my Vine Leaves Literary Journal colleague, Dawn Ius, to
bring out The Best of Vine Leaves Literary
Journal 2012. The
opportunity to publish my next novel with them is also in the cards.
MUTED was my
hidden gem. And I haven't been the same since. Not only did the opportunity
reaffirm the power of hard work (and luck), but it changed the way I view my
writing, my world, and my career, for the better.
What events have acted
as positive turning points in your life?
Jessica's links:
Jessica has good news for commenters.
Her novel, now from eMergent Publishing, String Bridge is free today.
See Amazon! And help spread the word.
Happy Halloween! xo