Monday, March 13, 2017

March Madness

My book comes on 3/21, and so blog tour begins today. YaY! I’ve written a variety of posts--from how music influenced me to how the collection came about to the challenge of writing in our new political reality.

Dates and links are listed below. Please visit. If you comment on them, you’re automatically entered to win 1 of 3 prizes.

And if you scroll to the bottom of this post, I’ve written a poem. It’s my birthday near the end of this month, so I figured it would be fun to write something that is also in theme with my book, Time & Circumstance.

3/13    Nas Dean
3/15    Wendy McDonald 
3/16    Judy Mintz 
3/17    Kid Lit Universe 
3/18    Iris Blobel 
3/19    Sharon Mayhew
3/20    Jemi Fraser 
3/21    Denise Covey 
3/22    Marcy Hatch
3/23    Janet Buttenweiser 
3/24    Jessica Haight  
3/27    Alex Cavanaugh
03/28  Unicorn Bell
3/29  My Memories of a Future Life 

Thank you to everyone who has hosted me! xo

Middle Age March Madness

My regrets shadow me—
long in dusk.
And like a bewildered toddler,
try as I might,
I can’t outrun the damned thing.

Is this middle age madness
looking back?
If a groundhog sees his shadow,
we’re all screwed.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda.

Why didn’t I get grandma’s recipe
for brown bread
and those creamed turnips too?
Better yet,
let’s dish about the speakeasy.

Then all my dumb fear decisions.
Landed, stranded, instead of airborne.
Confidence wasn’t on sale, I guess.

Why didn’t we do this or that
way back when?
Would it have killed me to try?
Seemed so then.
Whatever … it all worked out, I guess.