"I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am also, much more than that. So are we all." - James Baldwin
Thursday, September 22, 2011
10 Reasons I'm Freaking Out

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
If I Could Be Anyone...

Piper: Well now that you put it that way, no, I don't want to live with you anymore.
- From TV show “Charmed”
Talli Roland is having a Watching Willow Watts book launch TODAY! Since I love alliterations, I wanted to participate.
Willow Watts lives a predictable and dull life. A You Tube video, in which she bears a striking resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, propels her to stardom. Will Willow lose herself in the process?
Talli’s challenge:
Now is your chance to make your superhero, film star, or Rock God fantasies come true.
“If I could be anyone, I’d be…”
I was torn, so I chose two. (I know - I’m so difficult.)
In homage to her, I’ve named my GPS, Xena: Warrior Navigator.
Though they didn’t find out they were witches until they’d reached adulthood, they were pretty prepared. Prue had an art history degree, which helped her figure out where ancient relics originated and how to decipher the writing. Piper was a chef, so she could whip up potions like nobody’s business. They’d obviously taken martial arts because they could take down any badass demons that dared to mess with them.
Their powers were pretty cool. Prue hurled objects and people. Pipe froze objects and people. And Phoebe had premonitions. Since she didn’t have an active power until later (levitation), the martial arts became especially important. When the sisters combined their powers, they were a formidable force.
Phoebe: I'll do what I should've done a while ago which is vanquish your sorry ass.
While I may be dark-haired like these heroines, I’m not physically strong. I can’t wield a sword. I’m don’t have any magical powers (which irks me). Xena: Warrior Princess and Prue Halliwell possess strength I admire. On the upside, I don’t constantly have enemies after me.
Prue: I mean, well, you are a warlock magnet.
You can buy Watching Willow Watts:
In PAPERBACK (coming in November)
Other If I Could be Anyone… POSTS.
And don’t forget to enter my CONTEST!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
A New Chapter and CONTEST!
The post about it is HERE .
The substitute-teaching day that led to it is HERE.
I began my blog on 09/06/09, which means I’ve been subbing for 2+ years.
My first post is HERE .
Last week on Monday and Wednesday, I interviewed for 2 full-time Special Education assistant jobs, fretted about whether I’d be offered those jobs (especially because I was competing against fresh out of school Special Ed. TEACHERS), and doubted every decision I’d ever made in my life.
Tuesday, I received a job offer for a Special Education Extended Term Substitute position that would last only 3 months (and be full of responsibility for something I have little background in… yet).
Thursday, I received a job offer in a town nearby to work with middle school children with behavioral issues. I TOOK THE JOB.
Friday, I called Cambridge human resources and resigned as a substitute teacher. (YaY!)
I may no longer be a sub, but the aim of this blog is the same: to chronicle my journey to have my own Social Studies classroom, land an agent, and receive a publishing contract.
I’ve deleted my “Saga of the Substitute Teacher” sidebar and added a new one, “Writer with Woes”:
Hello, I'm Theresa Milstein and I’m certified to teach Social Studies. For 2 years I was a substitute teacher. I was an assistant, a day sub, and an ETS*. My students were preschoolers, teens, and ages in between. But now I'm full time, picking up my life exactly where I left off. I'm back as an assistant, writing each day, and taking Special Education graduate classes. I'm finding out that though the positions have changed, the hassles are just the same.
* Extended Term Substitute
(If you can tell which TV show I pulled this from, let me know in the comments section.)
Under the “Substitute Teacher’s Saga” heading, it now says:
Although no longer a sub, the saga continues...
Thank you for sharing this saga with me.
To celebrate my 4 milestones: blogiversary, 600+ follower count, new gradate class, and new job, I’m hosting a GIVEAWAY.
You can win 1 of 4 BOOKS:

Abandon by Meg Cabot, hardcover SIGNED!
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin, paperback SIGNED!
Bestest. Ramadan. Ever. by Medeia Sharif, paperback.
You MUST be a follower and you MUST share this post in some way.
2 points - old follower
1 point - new follower
1 point for each place you share via social network
2 points for sidebar
5 points for blog post
(Extra bonus point if you suggest a new title for my blog.)
Tally points in the comments section, telling me what you did, which book(s) you prefer, and leave your e-mail address.
Open internationally. Contest ends midnight EST, 09/27.
Monday, September 5, 2011
First Challenge

Here’s my attempt at exactly 200 words:
With each tentative step, I cursed the factors that led me to this predicament. One, I was home alone. Two, I was bored. Three, the fireplace's jutting stone compelled me to press it. Four, my parents wouldn’t return for hours. Five, what would happen when the candle burned out?
Step six led to a set of stairs, too deep to see to the bottom. I took a step. My racing heart didn’t match my slow descent. My parents would never hear me from so far down. But something compelled me to go on.
As soon as I reached the landing, I inhaled the aroma of food. How could that be? Ahead, I spied light. Blowing out the stumpy candle, I followed the scent and ignored my stomach’s cries to flee.
“She’s come!”
I heard the merriment from the waxy-skinned youths before I absorbed the sconce-illuminated room. A spread more impressive than Thanksgiving stood before me. I entered the room. The door swung shut.
“Join us in the never-ending feast.”